call in question


call in question 的定义

  1. Also, call into question. Dispute, challenge; also, cast doubt on. For example, How can you call her honesty into question? This usage was first recorded in John Lyly's Euphues: “That ... I should call in question the demeanour of all.”

call in question 近义词

call in question

等同于 oppose

call in question

等同于 misdoubt

call in question

等同于 contest

call in question

等同于 contradict

call in question

等同于 doubt

更多call in question例句

  1. He also bragged about earning a PhD, a point Smerconish did not question.
  2. She narrowed her eyes, bit her lip as if to chew over the question, and whisked some stray blond hairs away from her face.
  3. Her post-crown fame, though, only further begs the question: Why has there not been another Jewish Miss America since 1945?
  4. We were barely into the appetizer when he asked a fairly basic question—where did my family live?
  5. Note: UNICOR uses its inmates for everything from call center operators to human demolishers of old computers.
  6. There was no doubt thought of his own loss in this question: yet there was, one may hope, a germ of solicitude for the mother too.
  7. Everything is topsy-turvy in Europe according to our moral ideas, and they don't have what we call "men" over here.
  8. In fact, except for Ramona's help, it would have been a question whether even Alessandro could have made Baba work in harness.
  9. It's an idle question, I know; wise men and musty philosophers say that regrets are foolish.
  10. Accordingly, the question "How far does the note issue under the new system seem likely to prove an elastic one?"